Tools & Resources for Thematic Areas

Thematic Areas
Type of Resource

Case study/best practices/examples from the field

«Assortir la prise en charge de transferts monétaires est l’une des meilleures mesures à notre disposition» Dossier informatif sur les enseignements opérationnels tirés de l’intégration des transferts monétaires dans les programmes de lutte contre VBG

Sep 15, 2022

Avec le soutien du Bureau pour l’Assistance Humanitaire de l’Agence des États-Unis pour le développe...

" La gestión de casos integrada en las transferencias en efectivo es una de las mejores respuestas a nuestro alcance” Resumen de lecciones operativas sobre la integración de la asistencia en efectivo en la programación de violencia de género en Ocaña

Sep 15, 2022

Con el apoyo del Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desa...

“Case Management Integrated with Cash Transfers is one of the Best Responses we can use" - An Operational Learning Brief on Integrating Cash Assistance into Gender-Based Violence Programming in Ocaña, Colombia

Sep 15, 2022

With support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Humanita...

"No one has Power Over me" The Impact of Integrating Cash Assistance into Gender-Based Violence Response in Northwest Syria - Summary Report

Sep 15, 2022

In Northwest Syria, WRC and partners sought to examine changes among internally displaced GBV surviv...

"No one has Power Over me" The Impact of Integrating Cash Assistance into Gender-Based Violence Response in Northwest Syria

Sep 15, 2022

In NWS, drawing on the expertise of WRC and guidance and tools implemented by CARE Turkey, and in co...

“Tenemos una Forma de empezar por nuestra cuenta" Eficacia de la asistencia en efectivo integrada en la gestión de casos de violencia de género para migrantes forzosas, refugiadas y ciudadanas del país de acogida en Norte de Santander (Colombia): Resumen

Sep 15, 2022

Las asistentes sociales de VG evaluaban si la asistencia en efectivo era adecuada para el caso parti...

"We have a way to Start out on our Own": The Effectiveness of Cash Assistance Integrated into Gender-Based Violence Case Management for Forced Migrants, Refugees, and Host Nationals in Norte de Santander, Colombia - Summary Report

Sep 15, 2022

In Norte de Santander, Colombia, WRC and partners sought to examine changes among forced migrant, re...

"We have a way to Start out on our Own": The Effectiveness of Cash Assistance Integrated into Gender-Based Violence Case Management for Forced Migrants, Refugees, and Host Nationals in Norte de Santander, Colombia

Sep 15, 2022

WRC has aimed to understand more about the specific dynamics of GBV case management and cash referra...

Mitigating GBV for Cash–based Interventions in Humanitarian Settings in Rakhine State Guidance Note: July 2020

Aug 19, 2022

The purpose of this note is to provide information on the minimum actions that must be undertaken by...

Gender-based Violence (GBV) Risk Analysis for Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in Ukraine - GBV AoR, OCHA, ACTED 2022

Aug 19, 2022

A GBV Task Force was formed by members of the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Sub-Cluster and the Cash W...

Intersecting experiences of LGBTIQ+refugees in Nairobi

Aug 03, 2022

Understanding Intersectionality and GBV: Meeting the Needs of Male Survivors of Sexual Violence

Aug 03, 2022

Going Against the Grain: Experiences of Male Survivors of GBV

Aug 03, 2022

A healing journey: Out of the shadow into the light: Tearfunds transformative approach

Aug 03, 2022

Conflict and Sexual Violence against Men: Perspectives from South Sudanese men living in resettlement communities in Uganda

Aug 03, 2022

Défis Sur la Prise en Charge des Hommes Survivants des Violences Sexuelles

Aug 03, 2022

The Project dldl Approach: A Culture-Sensitive and Faith-Informed Research and Intervention Programme with Men to Respond to Domestic Violence in Ethiopia

Aug 03, 2022

Lessons Learned From Engaging Men in INDASHYIKIRWA Programme

Aug 03, 2022

The Community-Based Psychosocial Approach to Working with Men & Boys in The Great Lakes Region

Aug 03, 2022

Engaging Men and Leaders on GBV Risk Mitigation in Emergency: The Case of Post-Cyclone Madagascar

Aug 03, 2022

Positive Masculinity in a Refugee Context: A Case Study from Uganda

Aug 03, 2022

Keeping Accountability to Women and Girls: Exploring Feminist Perspectives in Engaging Men and Boys in the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence

Aug 03, 2022

Why Addressing the Needs of Adolescent Boys and Men Affected by Crises is Beneficial to Women and Society at Large: Focus on Cameroon’s North West and South West Humanitarian Crisis

Aug 03, 2022

Gender-based Violence (GBV) Risk Analysis for Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in Ukraine - GBV AoR, OCHA, ACTED 2022

Jun 07, 2022

A GBV Task Force was formed by members of the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Sub-Cluster and the Cash W...

“With Money I’m the Queen”: How Cash Assistance Can Help Survivors Recover from Gender-Based Violence - WRC 2022

Jun 02, 2022

Gender-based violence (GBV), including intimate partner violence (IPV), is a global scourge, includi...