Tools & Resources for Thematic Areas

Thematic Areas
Type of Resource

Helpdesk Products

Safety Audits - A HowTo Guide, Helpdesk

Nov 06, 2019

Review of Available Evidence and Guidance on Routine Screening for GBV in Healthcare Settings

Nov 06, 2019

Resource List - Children Born of Rape, Helpdesk

Nov 06, 2019

Research, Learning and Evidence - Spotlight on Adolescent Girls, Helpdesk 2018

Nov 06, 2019

Research, Evidence and Learning Digest- Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in Emergencies, Helpdesk

Nov 06, 2019

Research Query - GBV and Environmental Considerations, Helpdesk

Nov 06, 2019

Partnerships Supporting National and Local Women’s Organisations Undertaking GBV Prevention and Response Pograming

Nov 06, 2019

Key Guidelines, Standards and Tools on GBV Case Management, Helpdesk

Nov 06, 2019

Identification of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking, Refugee and Migrant Adolescent Girls, Helpdesk 2018

Nov 06, 2019

Humanitarian Financing for National or Local Women’s Organizations and Groups, Helpdesk

Nov 06, 2019

Herramientas y Recursos de Programación Contra la Violencia Por Razones de Género en Emergencias en Español

Nov 06, 2019

Guidance Note - Harnessing Technology to Prevent, Mitigate and Respond to GBViE, Helpdesk

Nov 06, 2019

This paper focusses on the issue of technology in GBV prevention, mitigation and response in emergen...

GBViE and Cash Programmes, Helpdesk

Nov 06, 2019

GBV, Media and Communications - Helpdesk

Nov 06, 2019

GBV AoR Helpdesk Flyer

Nov 06, 2019

Emergency Responses to Public Health Outbreaks, Helpdesk

Nov 06, 2019

Directrizes, Recursos e Ferramentas contra a Violência de Género em contexto de desastres naturais, em língua Portuguesa

Nov 06, 2019

Costing GBV Core Services in Humanitarian Settings - Helpdesk

Nov 06, 2019

Capacity Building Guardians to Identify and Respond to Symptoms of GBV in Asylum-Seeking,Refugee and Migrant Children - Helpdesk

Nov 06, 2019

Assessing the Quality of GBV Case Management Services, Helpdesk

Nov 06, 2019

Report/literature review/research paper

Gender-Based Violence Area-of Responsibility (AoR) External Review - July 2023

May 28, 2024

REGA Review: Abridged Report - April 2023

May 23, 2024

REGA Review: Abridged Report - April 2023

May 23, 2024

Gender-Based Violence and Disability Inclusion Fact Sheet - GBV AoR 2023

Nov 29, 2023

Analysis of GBV needs and response in 2023 Humanitarian Needs Overviews and Humanitarian Response Plans

Oct 30, 2023