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Who We Are

In 2005 the IASC cluster approach was introduced as a means of more effectively coordinating humanitarian response. The GBV AoR works collectively to improve the effectiveness and accountability of humanitarian response for the prevention,  risk mitigation and response to all forms of gender-based violence, to ensure that the agency and capacity of survivors is recognised and reinforced and that primary prevention efforts are effectively employed to address underlying gender inequality. There is increasing effort, particularly in protracted crisis, being made to work with development actors (nexus) and to work on preparedness especially in regions that are affected by natural disasters.


The GBV AoR Coordination Team sits in Geneva and provides global level coordination for GBV. The aim of the GBV AoR is to provide support to the GBV Coordinators in activated cluster and cluster like structures in field offices.

GBV AoR Coordination Team

If your country needs support, please contact the relevant individuals below.

Jennifer Chase

Global Coordinator

Astrid Haaland

Deputy Coordinator/REGA Manager

Stefanie Lorin

GBV Specialist

Shiva Sharifzad

GBV AoR Programme Analyst

Emily Siu

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Advisor

Rofand Khalaf

Information Management Analyst

Paula Ramirez

MHPSS Specialist

Regional Emergency GBV Advisors

REGA mechanism aims to enhance humanitarian GBV response capacities. The REGA develop regional and in-country capacity of humanitarian actors to strengthen GBV prevention, mitigation and multi-sector response, and support system-wide coordination, at both strategic and operational levels. The REGA ensure the sustainability of their interventions by supporting sub-cluster coordination, including coordination member organisations such as national institutions and local actors, to assume greater responsibilities for core cluster functions. They promote substantial institutional follow-up in between country missions, and are available for remote advise. Where GBV sub-cluster coordinators are present, the REGAs work closely with them to support humanitarian actors to implement international standards. The REGA provide support to preparedness, acute and protracted crisis, as well as transition to development. In this mechanism, Senior Regional Emergency GBV advisor (REGA) focuses on the Centrality of Protection, building coordination capacity of GBV sub-clusters within their regions, providing high level advocacy support, strategic advice to Humanitarian Country Teams and inter- cluster coordination, risk mitigation and preparedness. The Regional Emergency GBV Coordination Specialist (REGS) assists coordination and act as rapid response coordinators in new crises or in complex crises. S/he enables strengthened capacity for regional focus areas i.e. preparedness;

Traoré Nissi Tiéba

West and Central Africa Information Manager

Anna Stone

Arab States Regional GBV in Emergency Advisor

Contact the to receive a REGA request package; including a standard request form and mission criteria.

Irene Quizon

Asia and Pacific Regional GBV in Emergency Advisor

Ahdi Hassan Hassan

Arab States Region Information Management Officer

Elisa Calle

Latin America and Caribbean Information Manager

Cecilia Bertolini

Latin America and Caribbean Regional GBV in Emergency Advisor

Aijaz Asghar

Asia and the Pacific Information Manager

Adish Maudho

East and Southern Africa Information Manager

Oswald Chishugi

West and Central Africa - Regional GBV Specialist

Jessica Gorham

East and Southern Africa Regional GBV Advisor

Tor Body

The TOR is specific for each context, and should be based on GBV sub-cluster needs and priorities and/or support to the HCT for the implementation of the Centrality of Protection. For requests that are not submitted through a GBV coordination group, two agencies need to sign.

GBV AoR core members endorse the request (within 48 hours) and give feedback to enable interagency synergies and engagement during the mission.

Core Members
Core members have a strategic advisory function and have a voting right. Each member organization designates one representative, and one alternate to serve as GBV AoR members . Decisions are taken as much as possible on a consensus basis and interests of the AoR are supported above institutional interests. If a consensus cannot be reached than a vote can be enacted. Core members have no management authority over the Coordination Team nor over the REGA. The Core Member group functions as a Strategic Advisory Group by default.
Associate Members
Organizations working directly on GBV in emergencies that cannot make the commitments required of core members; or who are not operational in at least two countries such as Universities, or who are individuals with GBV expertise, including consultants contracted by organizations working in a field related to GBV in emergencies. They commit to actively contributing to the work of the AoR through activities in the work plan, participation on monthly calls, or task team membership. Associate members may contribute to consensus decision making processes but do not have a voting right.

Global Protection Cluster Architecture

The GBV AoR is part of the Global Protection Cluster (GPC). The GPC coordinates and provides global level interagency policy advice and guidance on the implementation of the cluster approach to Protection Clusters in the field, supports protection responses in non-refugee situation humanitarian action as well as leads standard and policy setting relating to protection in complex and natural disaster humanitarian emergencies, in particular with regard to the protection of internally displaced persons.

Global ProtectionCluster (UNHCR) Gender Based ViolenceArea of Responsibility(UNFPA) Child ProtectionArea of Responsibility(UNICEF) Housing, Land andProperty Area of Responsibility(NRC) Mine ActionsArea of Responsibility(UNMAS) Global ProtectionCluster (UNHCR) Gender Based ViolenceArea of Responsibility(UNFPA) Child ProtectionArea of Responsibility(UNICEF) Housing, Land andProperty Area of Responsibility(NRC) Mine ActionsArea of Responsibility(UNMAS)