Tools & Resources for Thematic Areas

Thematic Areas
Type of Resource

E-learnings, podcasts, videos

NFI Distribution for Shelters - Shelter Cluster, IOM 2016

Jul 24, 2019

Site Planning in Emergencies - Shelter Cluster 2017

Jul 24, 2019

Psychological First Aid - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Jul 17, 2019

Confronting Gender Based Violence: Global Lessons for Healthcare Workers - John Hopkins University

Jul 17, 2019

Clinical Care for Sexual Assault Survivors: A Multimedia Tool - IRC

Jul 17, 2019

Treatment and Disease Prevention for Survivors of Gender Based Violence - John Hopkins Univeristy

Jul 17, 2019

Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Medical University of South Carolina 2017

Jul 17, 2019

Addressing Gender-Based Violence Through Cash Transfer Programming - IGWG 2018

Jul 17, 2019

Where do Cash-based Interventions Fit in Programming for Women’s Protection and Empowerment?

Jul 17, 2019

How Can We Integrate GBV Programming and Cash-Based Interventions: Jordan Case Study

Jul 17, 2019

Justice Now: Ending Impunity for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence as International Crimes - UN Women

Jul 17, 2019

Podcast: What Is the Child Protection Information Management System?

Jul 17, 2019

GBVIMS Data Analysis E-Learning Tool

Jul 17, 2019

GBVIMS Podcast Series

Jul 17, 2019

Podcast Episode: Data Protection Principles and Practices

Jul 17, 2019

GBV Case Management in Emergency Settings Online Learning Course - Abaad

Jul 17, 2019

Adolescent and SRH in Humanitarian Settings - IAWG

Jul 17, 2019