Tools & Resources for Thematic Areas

Thematic Areas
Type of Resource

Report/literature review/research paper

Tackling the Integration of Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response and Cash-Based Interventions - WRC 2018

Feb 19, 2020

Programmes Humanitaires Integrant des Transferts Monetaires et Resultats en Termes de Violences Basees Sur le Genre - WRC, IRC 2018

Aug 21, 2019

Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming and Gender-Based Violence Outcomes: Evidence and Future Research Priorities - WRC, IRC 2018

Aug 21, 2019

Funding a Localised, Women-led Approach to Protection from Gender Based Violence: What is the Data Telling Us? - ActionAid 2019

Jul 18, 2019

The Grand Bargain Explained: An ICVA Briefing Paper

Jul 18, 2019

Making the Local Global: Guidance Note on Supporting Local Women Leaders’ Participation in Global Humanitarian Spaces - ActionAid 2019

Jul 18, 2019

Not what she bargained for? Gender and the Grand Bargain - Care, ActionAid 2018

Jul 18, 2019

The Use of UN Sanctions to Address Conflict-Related Sexual Violence - GWIPS 2018

Jul 17, 2019

Intersection Between the Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Arrangments (MARA) and the Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS)- UN 2017

Jul 17, 2019

Care and Support of Male Survivors of Conflict Related Sexual Violence - SVRI

Jul 17, 2019

Understanding the Difference Between Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Sexual Harrasment and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence - IASC

Jul 17, 2019

Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: A New Approach - United Nations Secretary General Report 2017

Jul 17, 2019

Factsheet on Secretary General Initiatives to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse - UN 2018

Jul 17, 2019

Review of Children's Participation in Humanitarian Programming - Save the Children 2013

Jul 17, 2019

Patriarchy, Power and Keeping Women and Girls Centered in Addressing VAWG in Humanitarian and Development Settings - COFEM 2016

Jul 17, 2019

It’s not About the Gender Binary, It’s About the Gender Hierarchy: A Reply to “Letting Go of the Gender Binary” - ICRC 2016

Jul 17, 2019

Feminist Strategies to End Violence Against Women - Oxford University 2015

Jul 17, 2019

Toward an End to Child Marriage - Save the Children, Human Rights Center 2018

Jul 17, 2019

Child Marriage in Humanitarian Settings - Girls not Brides 2018

Jul 17, 2019

Global Plan of Action to Strengthen the Role of the Health System within a National Multisectoral Response to Address Interpersonal Violence, in Particular against Women and Girls, and against Children - WHO 2016

Jul 17, 2019

Addressing Gender and GBV to Improve Health - PATH 2012

Jul 17, 2019

Understanding & Measuring Womens Economic Empowerment - ICRW 2011

Jul 17, 2019

Empowered and Safe: Economic Strengthening for Girls in Emergencies - CPC Network, WRC, UNICEF 2014

Jul 17, 2019

Effects of Cash-based Intervention on Gender Outcomes in Humanitarian Settings - UN WOMEN 2018

Jul 17, 2019

Strengthening Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Responses to Violence against Women - UNODC 2014

Jul 17, 2019