Tools & Resources for Thematic Areas

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Helpdesk Products

TIP SHEET: Top Tips for Conducting GBV Awareness Raising Campaigns - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

Dec 13, 2022

Awareness campaigns are important because they contribute to heightening awareness of gender-based v...

Research Query: Learning Brief on Femicide in Emergencies - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

Oct 31, 2022

This report provides a practical overview of femicide in fragile and emergency settings, and the imp...

GBV Risks, Food Insecurity, and the Integrated Food Security Classification – What Are Basics that Food Security and GBV Actors Need to Know? - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

Sep 07, 2022

Current events globally such as the escalating effects of climate change, the war in Ukraine, and th...

Guidance Note: Exit Strategies in the Event of Premature and Permanent Gender Based Violence (GBV) Emergency Response Program Closure - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

Aug 08, 2022

The aim of this short guidance note is to provide international GBV responders with practical guidan...

Practical Guidance for Transit Centers Staff in Countries Neighboring Ukraine (Ukrainian) - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

Jul 28, 2022

This poster compiles key information on gender-based violence in emergencies (GBViE) for transit cen...

Practical Guidance for Transit Centers Staff in Countries Neighboring Ukraine (English) - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

Jul 28, 2022

This poster compiles key information on gender-based violence in emergencies (GBViE) for transit cen...

Learning Brief:Risks and Opportunities for Adopting ‘Bystander Intervention’ Approaches to Discourage, Prevent, or Interrupt Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Settings - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

Jul 28, 2022

This learning brief focuses on bystander interventions, with the aim of providing GBV actors with ba...

згрупувати ресурси та матеріали щодо ҐЗН, які можуть підтримати гуманітарне реагування щодо ҐЗН під час збройного конфлікту в Україні (2022)

Jul 28, 2022

* У зв’язку зі швидким темпом розгортання кризи, робочий стан та якість перерахованих нижче послуг н...


Jun 20, 2022

Військове вторгнення Росії 24 лютого 2022 року стало шоком для країни та світу (CARE, 2022 р.) і ств...

التمويل اإلنساني للمنظمات والجمعات النسائية الوطنية / المحلية - GBV AoR Helpdesk

May 29, 2022

تعيش النساء في جميع أنحاء العالم تجارب مختلفة عن الرجال، في ظل معايير ترسخ عدم المساواة الجندرية. حي...

Financiación Humanitaria para Organizaciones y Grupos de Mujeres Nacionales/Locales - GBV AoR Helpdesk

May 29, 2022

Las mujeres de todo el mundo han vivido experiencias que son diferentes a las de los hombres, inform...

Financements Humanitaires Destinés à des Organisations et Groupes de Femmes au Niveau National/Local - GBV AoR Helpdesk

May 29, 2022

Les femmes du monde entier vivent des expériences différentes de celles des hommes, façonnées par de...

Bibliografía Comentada de Recursos sobre Violencia Basada en Género en Emergencias Disponibles en Español - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

Apr 25, 2022

Esta bibliografía comentada provee información sobre recursos técnicos globales sobre Violencia Basa...

Annotated Bibliography of Spanish language Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies Resources - GBV AoR Helpdesk

Apr 25, 2022

This annotated bibliography provides information on global gender-based violence in emergencies (GBV...

Ukraine Refugee Response: Recommendations to Mitigate GBV Risks - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

Apr 25, 2022

 This recommendations document is part of a series of knowledge products produced by the GBV AoR Hel...

Supporting Women and Girls Fleeing Ukraine: Guidance and Tips for Private Accommodation Hosts - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

Apr 25, 2022

This practical guidance for private accommodation hosts is part of a series of knowledge products pr...

Literature Review of Family Based Accommodation, Hosting and Alternative Care Guidance and Procedures for Promising Practice of GBV Risk Mitigation in Private and Community Based Accommodation - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

Apr 25, 2022

This literature review is part of a series of knowledge products produced by the GBV AoR Helpdesk wh...

Bibliographie Annotée des Ressources en Français pour les Interventions en Matière de Violence Basée sur le Genre en Situations d’Urgence- Helpdesk 2022

Apr 01, 2022

Cette bibliographie annotée compile des ressources en français pour les interventions en matière ...

Annotated Bibliography of French language Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies Resources- Helpdesk 2022

Apr 01, 2022

This annotated bibliography compiles French-language resources for gender-based violence in emergenc...

One Stop Centers – Models, Standard Operating Procedures (SoPs) And Guidance- GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

Apr 01, 2022

This query briefly examines the main OSC models before providing information about how they have bee...

Série d’apprentissage Sur la Violence Basée sur le Genre Facilitée par les Technologies

Mar 22, 2022

Les technologies numériques et les autres technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC)...

L’importance du Soutien des Bailleurs des Fonds aux Programmes de Lutte Contre la Violence Basée sur le Genre dans les Situations d’Urgence, Même en L’Absence de Données sur la Prévalence

Mar 22, 2022

Les bailleurs des fonds ont naturellement la responsabilité de rationaliser leur financement dans l...

згрупувати ресурси та матеріали щодо ҐЗН, які можуть підтримати гуманітарне реагування щодо ҐЗН під час збройного конфлікту в Україні (2022 р.)

Mar 04, 2022

* У зв’язку зі швидким темпом розгортання кризи, робочий стан та якість перерахованих нижче послуг н...

GBV Resources and Materials that can Support GBV Humanitarian Response to Ukraine Crisis (2022) V.4

Mar 03, 2022

* Due to the urgency of the crisis, the operational status and quality of the services listed below ...

Preventing and Responding to Gender-based Violence in Faith-based Communities: An Annotated Bibliography of Recommended Resources - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

Jan 11, 2022

The annotated bibliography explores these and other approaches. However, only a small number of eval...