Tools & Resources for Thematic Areas

Thematic Areas
Type of Resource

Case study/best practices/examples from the field

Safe Spaces for Women and Girls (SSWG) Standardization and Technical Guidance - IRC, UNFPA 2017

Jul 17, 2019

Mobile SGBV Prevention and Response in Lebanon - UNHCR 2018

Jul 17, 2019

Guidelines for Assisting Victims of Human Trafficking in the East Africa Region - IOM 2011

Jul 17, 2019

LGBTIQ+ Rights and Inclusion in Humanitarian Action and Disaster Risk Reduction - Gender in Humanitarian Action WG 2017

Jul 17, 2019

Violence Against Adolescent Girls: Trends and Lessons for East Africa - GWI 2018

Jul 17, 2019

Adolescent Girls Toolkit Iraq - UNFPA, UNICEF 2016

Jul 17, 2019

A Strategy To Address The Needs of Adolescent Girls in WoS - GBV SC 2018

Jul 17, 2019

Helpdesk Products

Exploring the links between flooding and violence against women and girls in the Eastern and Southern African region- GBV AoR Helpdesk 2024

Jul 02, 2024

Briefing Note on Prioritizing Safety and Support in Digital Reporting of Gender-Based Violence - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2024

May 31, 2024

How Development Actors Can Support Safe and Effective Response to GBV When Emergencies Occur - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2024

Apr 22, 2024

مستند نصائح: ما معنى التركيز على الناجيات في تنفيذ برامج العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي في حالات الطوارئ؟

Apr 09, 2024

Ficha de consejos: ¿Qué significa enfocado en la sobreviviente en la ejecución de la programación sobre la violencia basada en el género en contextos de emergencia?

Apr 09, 2024

Fiche de conseil: Que signifie « axé sur les survivantes » dans la mise en œuvre du programme de lutte contre la violence basée sur le genre dans les situations d'urgence ?

Apr 09, 2024

Tip sheet: Effective and Supportive GBV Technical Assistance Visits - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2024

Apr 09, 2024

Prévenir et répondre aux violences basées sur le genre en situation de catastrophes naturelles - GBV AoR Helpdesk

Apr 09, 2024

This report examines how flooding, induced by climate change, disproportionately affects women and g...

Prevención y respuesta a la violencia basada en el genero en contextos afectados por desastres naturales - GBV AoR Helpdesk

Apr 09, 2024

Digital tools are more accessible than ever, which has led to a surge of technological solutions aim...

الوقاية من العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي والاستجابة له في السياقات المتأثرة بالكوارث الطبيعية

Apr 09, 2024

This briefing note is targeted to development actors working on GBV who increasingly may be facing h...

Prevention of, and Response to, Gender-Based Violence in Settings Affected by Natural Disasters - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2019

Apr 09, 2024

تقدم هذه الورقة الإرشادية لمحة عامة عن النهج الذي يركز على الناجيات ولماذا وكيف ينبغي استخدامه في جم...

Tip Sheet: Ensuring Attention to GBV in Anticipatory Action

Apr 09, 2024

Esta hoja de consejos ofrece una visión general del enfoque centrado en el superviviente y explica p...

GBV Risk Mitigation - An Essential Approach to Meeting Core Humanitarian Priorities - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2024

Apr 09, 2024

Cette fiche de conseil donne un aperçu de l'approche centrée sur les survivant(e)s et explique pourq...

الوقاية من العنف القائم عىل النوع االجتماعی واالستجابة له فی السياقات المتأثرة بالكوارث الطبيعية

Apr 02, 2024

This tip sheet is intended to provide practical and short guidance on conducting technical assistanc...

Annotated Bibliography: Collective Care Processes and Practices - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2024

Mar 21, 2024

Cette note débute par une introduction générale aux catastrophes naturelles – y compris leur portée ...

Tip Sheet: Collective Care - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2024

Feb 28, 2024

Esta nota comienza con una amplia introduccion a los desastres naturales, incluyendo su alcance mund...

Evidence Review: A Summary of the Links between Intimate Partner Violence, Military Personnel and Veterans - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2024

Feb 26, 2024

تبدأ هذه المذكرة بمقدمة واسعة عن الكوارث الطبيعية، بما في ذلك نطاقها العالمی، وتأثير تغيیر المناخ عل...

Evidence Review: A Summary of the Links between Intimate Partner Violence, Military Personnel and Veterans - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2024

Feb 26, 2024

This guidance note offers an introduction to how disasters are likely to increase as a result of cli...