Tools & Resources for Thematic Areas

Thematic Areas
Type of Resource

Case study/best practices/examples from the field

“Con el Dinero Soy la Reina”: Cómo la Asistencia en Efectivo Puede Apoyar a las Sobrevivientes a Recuperarse de la Violencia de Género - WRC 2022

Jun 02, 2022

La violencia basada en género (VBG), incluyendo la violencia íntima de pareja (VIP), es una lacra mu...

Gender-Based Violence Secondary Data Review: Ukraine - GBV AoR 2022

May 18, 2022

Multiple forms of GBV are being reported, with particularly high insecurity and risk for women and g...

Rapid Gender Analysis of Ukraine: Secondary Data Review- UN Women and Care International, 2022

Apr 06, 2022

This Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) seeks to draw attention to the gender dynamics in the war in Ukrain...

Tigray GBV Service Mapping : Facilitating Access to Minimum GBV Response Services

Apr 04, 2022

The purpose of this analysis is to access availability of existing GBV response services (health, ps...

Coordination of Gender-BasedViolence Services In Conflict and Drought Affected Communities in Ethiopia

Apr 04, 2022

GBV overview 2022 - People in need (PiN) for GBV as per 2022 draft HNO is 5.8 M an increase from 3....

Mix-Methods Analysis of Gender Based Violence Risks, Needs and Service Gaps, Cabo Delgado, Mozambique - GBV AoR 2021

Mar 29, 2022

The Mozambique GBV AoR in collaboration with GBV AoR partners conducted a mix-method GBV qualitative...

Women and Girls Choose: Cash Assistance in GBV Case Management Saves Lives - UNFPA 2022

Mar 02, 2022

As part of a coordinated response to gender-based violence (GBV), UNFPA and its partners provide a s...

المساعدات النقدية لصندوق األمم المتحدة للسكان من أجل دعم احتياجات الحماية الفردية: شمال غرب سور يا - UNFPA

Oct 13, 2021

دراسة حالة بوروندي: #نقلة نوعية يف مجال المساعدات النقدية ذات الصلة بالنوع االجتماعي

Jul 16, 2021

دراسة حالة بوروندي: #نقلة نوعية يف مجال المساعدات النقدية ذات الصلة بالنوع االجتماعي

Jul 01, 2021

Cash and Voucher Assistance and Gender-Based Violence Risk Mitigation: Somalia

Jun 01, 2021

Case study highlighting key learning from Somalia related to ensuring that CVA does not create more ...

Le cas du Burundi #GenderCash Revolution

Jun 01, 2021

Estudio de caso de Burundi Revolución #GenderCash - UNFPA & GBV AoR

Jun 01, 2021

En octubre de 2019 se llevó a cabo en Burundi un taller de tres días que reunió a agentes de VG y AE...

Burundi Case Study #GenderCash Revolution - UNFPA & GBV AoR

Jun 01, 2021

A three-day workshop brought together GBV and CVA actors in Burundi in October 2019, using tools tha...

Cartographie des financements des activités de réponse aux VBG en RDC

May 13, 2021

Cartographie des financements des activités de réponse aux VBG en RDC Le 11 mai, le Groupe de trav...

Donor Mapping for GBV Initiatives: The methodology used in the DRC

May 11, 2021

Child Protection and Gender-Based Violence in Tigray Briefing

Apr 23, 2021

Case Study on Cash and Voucher Assistance in Northwest Syria, UNFPA

Feb 24, 2021

Linking the Rapid Response Mechanism to Cash Assistance and Women's Protection - UNFPA Yemen

Feb 24, 2021

Exemple d’analyse des Risques de VBG dans le Cadre des TM - UNFPA

Sep 23, 2020

Responding to the Shadow Pandemic: Taking Stock of Gender-Based Violence Risks and Responses during COVID-19 - UNICEF 2020

Sep 01, 2020

The Rapid Assessment of Helpline by GBV Sub-Sector in Nigeria - May 2020

Jun 12, 2020

Donor Advocacy Brief on Criticality of GBV Services during COVID-19 - UNFPA WoS

Apr 27, 2020

إستراتيجية الرسائل الداعمة للتواصل بشأن المخاطر والمشاركة المجتمعية، في الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة الخاصة بالعنف المبني على النوع الاجتماعي خلال جائحة فيروس كورونا المستجد كوفيد - 19

Apr 08, 2020

COVID 19 – GBV support messaging for oPt RCCE strategy

Apr 08, 2020