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Inter-Agency Minimum Standards for Prevention and Response to GBV in Emergencies - GBV AoR 2019
12 Jul, 2019
This resource presents 16 Minimum Standards for GBV prevention and response programming in emergencies. As a whole, the 16 Minimum Standards define what agencies working on specialized GBV programming need to achieve to prevent and respond to GBV, and deliver multisectoral services. The objective of the Minimum Standards is to establish a common understanding of what constitutes minimum GBV prevention and response programming in emergencies. “Minimum” means “of adequate quality”; for the purposes of this resource, adequate quality means (1) reflecting good practice and (2) not causing harm. As such, each Standard in this resource represents common agreement on what needs to be achieved for that specific programmatic element to be of adequate quality. When a GBV programme actor decides to implement a programmatic element outlined in the Standards, that intervention must be implemented according to the Standard at a minimum.
Violence Basee Sur le Genre: Revue des Données Secondaires Burkina-Faso - GBV AoR 2022
22 Dec, 2022
La crise multidimensionnelle au Burkina Faso est devenue en seulement deux années, la crise la plus dynamique (en termes de mouvements des populations) et la plus dévastatrice pour les populations civiles des trois pays du Centre Sahel (Burkina- Mali et Niger). Le pays est devenu depuis 2020, l’épicentre de la violence armée imposée en majorité par des groupes armés non étatiques (Aperçu des besoins humanitaires, 2022). La situation ne s'est pas améliorée et s'aggrave en raison de l'intensification des violences qui a pour corollaire la dégradation de l'environnement protecteur, notamment dans le Sahel, le Centre-Nord, le Nord-Est, le Centre-Est, les Cascades, les Hauts-Bassins et la Boucle du Mouhoun. 4,9 millions de personnes estimées avoir besoin d'une assistance humanitaire (Rapport de Situation-OCHA, 21 Octobre 2022).
Gender-Based Violence Secondary Data Review: Ukraine - GBV AoR 2022
18 May, 2022
Multiple forms of GBV are being reported, with particularly high insecurity and risk for women and girls on the move, at border crossing points and transit/collective centres, and in bomb shelters. This includes reports of intimate partner violence, sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, sexual violence (including conflict-related sexual violence), and economic abuse. There is a high risk of trafficking for sexual exploitation at borders where registration is patchy, little control of documents, and young women are often not accompanied by other family member.
GBV AoR Helpdesk Learning Brief on Technology Facilitated Gender-Based Violence
20 Sep, 2021
The new GBV AoR Helpdesk learning series addresses the issue of Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence (TFGBV) affecting women and girls in humanitarian settings. The three-part resource looks at the different forms of online violence, suggests actions for GBV specialists and also policy recommendations for humanitarian organisations, donors and technology companies. The first report, Learning Brief 1: Understanding Technology- Facilitated Gender-Based Violence, builds on basic knowledge of TFGBV. It provides a definition and overview of the forms of TFGBV that are prevalent and how this abuse is manifested in emergency contexts. The second report, Learning Brief 2: Strategies and Actions for Preventing and Responding to Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence, gives an overview of promising strategies currently being used in different parts of the world to prevent and respond to TFGBV and highlights some key examples and resources. The third report, Lea...
Insécurité alimentaire et risques de violence à l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun: les femmes et les filles les plus exposées - GBV AoR 2022
03 Oct, 2022
Selon le “Food Crisis Prevention Network”, 33 .4 millions de populations dans la région Sahélienne et dans l’ Afrique de l’Ouest pourraient être dans un besoin immédiat d’assistance alimentaire dans la période de soudure (Juin- Août 2022) ; ce chiffre représente presque le double des personnes qui étaient affecté en 2020. les femmes et les filles risquesnt d’etre le plus impacté car, selon un rapport produit en 2020 par la FAO , IFAD, UNICEF , PAM et OMS , l’ insécurité alimentaire était 10% plus importante parmi les femmes que chez les hommes et que l’écart entre les sexe s’est élargi entre 2019 et 2020.[1] En Avril 2022, le Domaine de Responsabilité VBG dans la région de l' Afrique Centrale et Afrique de l’Ouest a produit une note de plaidoyer pour porter à l' attention du monde entier la crise alimentaire qui sévit dans les pays de l’Afrique de l'Ouest et l’Afrique centrale avec la crise en Ukraine ainsi que leur impact sur la sécurité des femmes...
GBV AoR Helpdesk Annual Report 2021
18 Feb, 2022
This annual report summarises the activity of the GBV AoR Helpdesk for the year 2021, including the type of queries the Helpdesk has responded to and the regions it has supported.
GBV AoR Strategy 2021-2025
23 Jul, 2019
The GBV AoR Strategy 2021-2025 sets out the strategic objectives until 2025.
Analysis of GBV in 2021 Humanitarian Needs Overviews and Response Plans (HNO & HRP) - GBV AoR 2021
04 Oct, 2021
This analysis was conducted to evaluate how GBV needs have been analyzed and how the GBV response has been planned in 2021 HNOs and HRPs and how agreed-upon changes translated into better GBV representation and integration. Specifically, this process: 1) Evaluated the GBV sectoral needs analysis, including indicators and methodologies. 2) Assessed the level of GBV integration into other parts of HNO and HRP 2021 (intersectoral and other sectors’ parts). o Identified common challenges during the 2021 HNO & HRP processes. 3) Identified best practices and areas of improvement to inform the 2022 HPC cycle. 4) Reinforced country-level attention and investment in the upcoming HPC cycle. 5) Identified key messages for advocacy purposes to increase attention to GBV in global directions and policy documents determining how HNOs and HRPs are developed.
GBV AoR Helpdesk Annual Report 2023
31 Jan, 2024
The report contains information about the requests received by the GBV AoR Helpdesk throughout 2023, including the countries with the highest number of requests, the regions, the types of support requested, the organizations requesting support etc.
GBV AoR Helpdesk Annual Report 2022
08 Feb, 2023
In 2022, as in 2021, in excess of 100 queries came through to the Helpdesk, maintaining the level of GBViE information and support delivered in 2021 to crisis-affected contexts around the world and demonstrating both demand for the services offered and that the service continues to be valued year on year. Compared to the previous year the Helpdesk received an increased number of requests for information relating to Women and Girls Safe Spaces and How to Collect and Use Survivor Data Safely and Effectively.