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Step-by-step Guide to Strengthening Sexual Violence Services in Public Health Facilities - USAID 2010
29 Jul, 2019
Mobile SGBV Prevention and Response in Lebanon - UNHCR 2018
17 Jul, 2019
Checklist for GBV Coordinators, GBV Coordination Handbook - GBV AoR 2019
16 Jul, 2019
Guidance Note on Applying Feminist Approaches to Humanitarian Action - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2024
16 Jul, 2024
This paper considers the question of whether feminist theories and principles hold the potential to help the humanitarian system better meet many of its highest priorities. Research across the world provides widespread evidence that feminism can benefit not just women and girls, but entire communities and societies. Already across the UN system, there are strong normative frameworks and rhetorical commitments to women’s rights and empowerment. Feminist principles are deeply embedded in UN conventions and guidance that are key to humanitarian response. However, at the level of humanitarian action, these feminist principles tend to “show up” most regularly and explicitly only in specific areas: GBV prevention and response, gender mainstreaming and gender-transformative programming, and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda. Despite the strong normative frameworks and rhetorical commitments to women’s rights and empowerment, and despite empirical evidence on the value of advancing fe...
Guidance - Using DTM Multisectoral Location Assessment to inform GBV response
10 Jul, 2019
Guidance - Using DTM Multisectoral Location Assessment to inform GBV response
Handbook for RCs and HCs on Emergency Preparedness and Response - IASC 2010
16 Jul, 2019
Clinical Management of Rape and Intimate Partner Violence Survivors - WHO, UNFPA & UNHCR 2020
29 Sep, 2021
One Stop Centers – Models, Standard Operating Procedures (SoPs) And Guidance- GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022
01 Apr, 2022
This query briefly examines the main OSC models before providing information about how they have been implemented in practice in different contexts with lessons learned. Example standard operating procedures (SoPs) and guidance are also provided in the final section.
Finding Ways and Means to Deliver Gender-based Violence Programming in Hostile Environments - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2023
16 Oct, 2023
This learning brief discusses a range of strategies and methods humanitarian actors can use to support and sustain GBV response and prevention programming in hostile contexts. It outlines what ‘hostile contexts’ refers to in this paper, and why it is important for GBV program managers and service providers to be able to identify and adapt to rapid or incremental increases in hostility in humanitarian environments, which are likely to adversely impact the implementation of GBV prevention and response programming. The paper discusses some of the risks women and girls face in these high-risk environments and concludes with several key considerations for GBV specialists.
Annotated Bibliography on Engaging Boys to Become Allies in GBV Prevention - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022
30 Dec, 2022
ngaging boys (up to age 18) is a critical yet under-explored area of GBV prevention in emergencies. This annotated bibliography provides an overview of relevant literature, evaluations, and programmatic examples for engaging boys in GBV prevention programming with a focus on high and middle-income settings and—to the extent knowledge exists— humanitarian contexts. Building on an emergent body of global literature on male engagement for GBV prevention, the bibliography begins with an overview of evidence and lessons learned in work with boys to prevent GBV generally, and then focuses on examples of specific types of programs, such as community-based social norms change; bystander interventions; school-based programming; peer education; and sports- and play-based programming. This information is meant for GBV practitioners working in emergency settings who are seeking to work with boys as allies in GBV prevention.