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NORMAS MÍNIMAS INTERAGÊNCIAS para a Programação sobre Violência Baseada no Género em Emergências Portugese
23 Jul, 2021
NORMAS MÍNIMAS INTERAGÊNCIAS para a Programação sobre Violência Baseada no Género em Emergências
Standard Operating Procedures for GBV Interventions in Humanitarian Settings GBV SOPs Resource Package (2023)
15 Nov, 2023
Part 1: GBV SOPs Development Guide: includes an overview of the SOPs development and revision processes. It discusses process initiation, coordination and contextualization in diverse contexts. Part 2: GBV SOPs template: the SOPs template is the core document to be completed in a specific physical setting. Part 3: GBV SOPs Annexes: should be completed, revised, or omitted as needed.
Gender-Based Violence Area-of Responsibility (AoR) External Review - July 2023
28 May, 2024
This report provides an overview of the background, purpose and objectives, methodology, conclusions, findings and recommendations of the external review of the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Area of Responsibility (AoR). Commissioned by the UNFPA Humanitarian Response Division (HRD), the review aims to provide specific, relevant, and actionable findings and recommendations to UNFPA as the GBV AoR lead agency to improve efforts to facilitate GBV coordination in humanitarian settings.
Review of Children's Participation in Humanitarian Programming - Save the Children 2013
17 Jul, 2019
Preventing GBV Building Livelihoods - WRC 2011
17 Jul, 2019
Gender-Based Violence and Child Protection Field Cooperation Framework - GBV AoR & CP AoR 2021
06 Jan, 2022
The primary objective for the GBV and Child Protection FCF is, from a coordination point, to address service provision gaps and promote complementarity for shared priority populations of concern.
Briefing Note: Effective Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning in GBViE Programming - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2024
06 Feb, 2024
This note reviews the basics of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) and describes some of the ethical considerations crucial to effective monitoring and evaluation of GBV programs. It summarizes approaches for ensuring participation and leadership of women and girls in MEL processes. It then highlights the basics of developing a MEL framework. The guidance note concludes with a list of additional resources for those interested in accessing more information on this important topic.
UNFPA Guidance: How to Design and Set Up Cash Assistance in GBV Case Management
28 Feb, 2023
Provisions on when and how to use cash assistance as a tool in GBV case management need to be carefully considered in order to mitigate any associated risks and avoid negative unintended consequences of cash assistance. As such, this UNFPA Guidance has the purpose of guiding and supporting GBV and cash practitioners in assessing, designing, implementing, and integrating cash assistance in GBV case management programming in a safe and efficient manner. The Guidance is the result of extensive feedback from cash recipients, their caseworkers, and implementing partners (IPs) in the field. For examples of UNFPA's integration of cash assistance into GBV case management services, see the following reports: From Risk to Choice: Cash within GBV Case Management in Jordan Integrating Cash Assistance into GBV Case Management: Lebanon case study Women and Girls Choose: Cash in GBV Case Management Saves Lives Cash within GBV Case Management for Women and Adolescent Girls in ...
UNFPA E-Learning Course: How to Integrate Cash Assistance into GBV Case Management
04 Oct, 2023
Following the launch of UNFPA's Guidance on How to Design and Set Up Cash Assistance in GBV Case Management, UNFPA has launched an e-learning course on the integration of cash assistance into GBV case management. The course aims to build broad capacity for cash assistance in GBV case management programming and targets CVA and GBV practitioners who want to improve their competencies, and reflect and capitalize on their experiences on CVA and GBV in humanitarian settings. The online, self-paced course is open to both UN personnel and non-UN personnel and takes around 3-5 hours to complete. REGISTRATION LINK UN and non-UN personnel: Register here For more information on the integration of cash assistance within GBV case management, read UNFPA's Guidance on How to Design and Set Up Cash Assistance in GBV Case Management by clicking the link or the download button below.
KURULUŞLAR ARASI ASGARİ STANDARTLAR Acil Durum Programlamada Toplumsal Cinsiyete Dayalı Şiddet İçin - GBV AoR 2019
27 Jul, 2023
TCDŞ, uluslararası insan hakları hukukunu, insancıl hukuku ve toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği ilkelerini ihlal eder. Uluslararası insancıl hukuk, çatışma zamanlarında kadınlar ve kız çocukları da dâhil olmak üzere siviller için koruma sağlar. Müteselsil BM Güvenlik Konseyi kararları, cinsel şiddetin bir savaş silahı olarak kullanılmasını özellikle yasaklamıştır. Kız çocukları ve kadınların insan haklarını ve temel özgürlüklerini tam olarak kullanmaları, sürdürülebilir kalkınma ve barış için bir ön koşuldur. İnsani yardım aktörlerinin, TCDŞ’yi önlemek ve TCDŞ’ye müdahale etmek için etik bir zorunluluğu vardır. Bu şiddeti önleme ve şiddete müdahale etme görevimizi yerine getirmemek ya da en kötüsü, riski artıracak şekilde insani destek sağlamak ahlaki olarak kabul edilemez. TCDŞ’nin önlenmesi ve azaltılması ve buna müdahale, insani yardım ortamlarında hayat kurtaran müdahaleler olarak sınıflandırılır. İnsani müdahalede yer alan tüm kurumların, TCDŞ’den etkilenenleri koruma sorumluluğu var...