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The Sphere Handbook, Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response - Sphere, 2018
16 Jul, 2019
The Gender Handbook for Humanitarian Action - IASC 2018
16 Jul, 2019
GBV AoR Advocacy Handbook - GBV AoR 2014
16 Jul, 2019
UNICEF GBViE Programme Resource Pack on Assessment
10 Jul, 2019
This document include the following content: Section 1: Introduction to GBV Assessments in Emergencies provides an overview of GBV assessments in emergency contexts, including: different types and timing of assessments; types and sources of information; and methods for collecting it. Section 2: Good Practice in GBViE Assessments overviews basic good practice such as participation, ethics and safety and a survivor-centred approach. Section 3: How to Do GBViE Assessments describes the steps to follow when (a) integrating questions about GBV into sectoral assessments and (b) conducting rapid or comprehensive GBV assessments in emergency situations. Section 4: Rapid GBViE Assessment Tools contains sample tools for conducting UNICEF-led rapid GBV assessments. Section 5: Comprehensive GBViE Assessment Tools contains sample tools for conducting UNICEF-led comprehensive GBV assessments.
젠더기반폭력을 고려한 긴급재난 프로그램 설계를 위한 인도주의 기관 간 최소기준
06 May, 2021
Training: GBV In Humanitarian Action ADVANCED
21 Feb, 2023
Who is this course for? This training is addressed to all professionals who hold a dedicated GBV function or have GBV in their job description. GBV specialists can be project managers, technical experts, advisors or coordinators, and they generally cover a range of responsibilities, including: • Conducting specialized GBV assessment, planning, budgeting and resource mobilization; • Implementing specialized GBV prevention, risk mitigation and response programming; • Providing support to other sectors to mainstream GBV and lead GBV coordination; and • Contributing to GBV data and information management. Learning outcomes This course aims at enhancing programming and response capacities in GBV in Humanitarian Assistance. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • Plan, design and implement context appropriate GBV prevention, risk mitigation and response interventions in humanitarian crisis; • Support quality multi-sectoral response services to G...
GBV Emergency Preparedness and Response Facilitator Guide - IRC 2018
16 Jul, 2019
Core Competencies for GBV Specialists - GBV AoR, 2014
18 Jul, 2019
Examining Women & Girls' Safe Spaces (WGSS) in Humanitarian Contexts: Research Findings from Northwest Syria and South Sudan
13 Aug, 2021
EXAMINING WOMEN AND GIRLS’ SAFE SPACES (WGSS) IN HUMANITARIAN CONTEXTS: Research Findings from Northwest Syria and South Sudan Research Report
Technical Guidance Note on The Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies (GBViE) Analytical Framework - GBV AoR 2024
27 Mar, 2024
The gender-based violence (GBV) in emergencies analytical framework (GBViE AnF) is an overarching guide to GBV data collection and analysis in humanitarian emergencies. It provides guidance on gathering crucial insights for the prevention of, and response to, GBV in emergencies, setting out the analytical questions and specific information requirements that can be met through either primary data collection or secondary data review. While it is not a data collection tool, the framework can be applied to identify GBV information gaps.