Toolkit | GBV Risk Mitigation in Cash and Voucher Assistance

Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is widely used among humanitarian practitioners and is even becoming the go-to modality in several humanitarian responses. While the use of CVA is not inherently riskier than any other modality, actors need to ensure it does not put women and girls at further risk.
Video: How to mitigate Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) - also available in Spanish, French, and Arabic
Drawing from field learning and a close engagement with CVA and GBV actors in various contexts, the GBV AoR and UNFPA have developed a user-friendly GBV Risk Mitigation in CVA Toolkit to guide and support CVA and GBV practitioners in identifying and mitigating potential GBV risk in cash programming. Using a bottom-up approach, each tool has been co-drafted with field colleagues and piloted in various settings. Tool 8 is a repository of learning briefs and case studies, illustrating the impact of these tools once contextualized and tailored to the context.
For an introduction to the Toolkit and the opportunity to hear from field cash experts on their use of the Toolkit, please watch the Toolkit Launch Webinar held on September 7, 2022.
Since the publication of the Toolkit, UNFPA has also published Indicators for GBV Risk Mitigation in Cash Assistance with Supporting Guidance, to enhance practitioners' ability to identify and mitigate GBV risks in cash programming. These indicators were developed in conjunction with the Global Women’s Institute at George Washington University and were based on operational field research in Iraq and Colombia.
Please reach out should you have any comments, feedback, or you need any specific support:

OVERVIEW - GBV-CVA Coordination Toolkit overview (1 page) in:
English: GBV-CVA Coordination Toolkit overview
Spanish: Caja de Herramientas
French: Boîte à outils
Arabic: تخفيف مخاطر العنف القائم على النوع االجتماعي في مجال المساعدة النقدية و بالقسائم الشرائية
TOOL 1 - What is CVA? The basics (3 pages)
English: What is CVA? & Introductory video
Spanish: Hoja orientativa sobre AEC
French: Fiche conseils sur les TM
TOOL 2 - Short presentation for Cash Actors on GBV Risk mitigation (9 slides)
English: Short presentation & Script for facilitator
Spanish: Presentación corta & Guión para facilitadores
French: Présentation courte & Script pour les animateurs
Arabic: كيف يتم الحد من مخاطر العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي؟التي تواجهها مساعدات النقد والقسائم؟
TOOL 3 - Editable Matrix for GBV Risk Analysis of CVA (1 page)
English: GBV Risk Analysis Matrix in CVA & How to fill out and use the matrix
Spanish: Plantilla para el análisis de riesgos VBG para AEC & Cómo rellenar y usar la plantilla
French: Tableau pour analyser les risques VBG dans les TM & Comment compléter et utiliser le tableau
Arabic: قالب تحلیل مخاطر العنف القائم علی نوع الأجتماعی & كيفية تعبئة واستخدام مصفوفة مخاطر العنـف القـائـم على النـوع ًالاجتمـاعي في برمجة المساعدات نقدا وبقسائم
TOOL 4 - Focus Group Discussion Guide (FGD) in CVA (3 pages, one with example of questions)
English: FGD tool
Spanish: Guía para FGD
French: Guide de FGD
TOOL 5 - Women Centered Complaint and Feedback Mechanisms (CFM) in CVA (3 pages, one page of best practices) and Code of Conduct template for CVA programming (3 pages)
English: CFM tool & template Code of Conduct
Spanish: Herramienta CFM & Código de Conducta
French: Outil pour les CFM & Code de Conduite
Arabic: االعتبـارات العشـرة الرئيسيـة آللـيـات الشكـاوى والتغـذيــة الـراجـعــة المرتـكـزة حـول النســاء للمسـاعــدة النـقديــة وبالقـســائـم الشـرائيــة & مُدوَّنة قواعد السلوك للعاملين في المجال الإنساني المشاركين في استجابة
TOOL 6 - Additional Questions for Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) (2 pages)
English: Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) tool & Additional questions for PDM
Spanish: Herramienta PDM & Preguntas adicionales para PDM
French: Outil de suivi post-distribution & Questions à ajouter à l'outil de suivi post-distribution
Arabic: أداة الرصـد مـا بعــد تـوزيـع المسـاعـدة النقـديـة والقسـائـم الشـرائيــة األمـور التي ينبغي مراعـاتها فيما يتعلق بمخـاطر العنـف القائم على النوع االجتمـاعي وتدابـير التخفيف من حدته & الأسئلة المقترحة للإضافة إلى الرصد ما بعد التوزيع
TOOL 7 - Observation Checklist for CVA Monitoring Missions (2 pages)
English: Observation checklist
Spanish: Lista de verificación
French: Check-list de suivi
TOOL 8 - Best practices and lessons learned (2 to 7 pages each)
GBV Risk Analysis of CVA for Ukraine
GBV Risk Analysis of CVA for Moldova
Afghanistan - Tip Sheet for Cash Actors
Somalia Case Study: CVA & GBV Risk Mitigation
Burundi Case Study #GenderCash Revolution (also in FR, SPA)
Transitioning out of Humanitarian Cash Assistance in Iraq: Critical actions to mitigate and prevent GBV risks
Mainstreaming gender-based violence (GBV) considerations in CVA: key tips for cash actors engaged in the Myanmar response (also in Burmese)
Gender-based violence (GBV) risk mitigation in cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in Colombia: Learning from a joint CVA & GBV workshop (also available in SPA)
Indicators for GBV Risk Mitigation in Cash Assistance with Supporting Guidance
TOOL 9 - Short induction for cash frontliners on basics of GBV risk mitigation and PSEA (6 slides)
English: Short presentation on GBV risk mitigation and PSEA
Spanish: Breve presentación sobre la mitigación de los riesgos de VBG y el PSEA
French: Courte présentation sur l'atténuation des risques de VBG et la PSEA
Arabic: دورة تدريبية موجزة لموزِّعي الاستحقاقات النقدية