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Informing strategic decision making/Needs assessments

Key Guidance documents on humanitarian needs assessment

Guidance and Reference Documents

Questionnaire Design for Needs Assessment - ACAPS 2016

Jul 08, 2019

Operational Guidance on Coordinated Assessment - IASC 2012

Jul 08, 2019

Multi-sector Initial Rapid Assessment Guidance - IASC 2015

Jul 08, 2019

MIRA framework - 2012

Jul 08, 2019

See more Guidance and Reference Documents

Secondary data review

Guidance and Reference Documents

Technical Brief Secondary Data Review - ACAPS 2014

Jul 08, 2019

Tools and Templates

GBV AoR Secondary Data Review Template

Jul 23, 2019

GBV AoR - Secondary Data Review Example GBV Nigeria

Jul 23, 2019

GBV Secondary Data Review Template

Jun 03, 2024

E-learnings, Podcasts, Videos

DEEP Platform for SDR and Analysis

Jul 10, 2019

DEEP is an intelligent web-based platform offering a suite of collaborative tools tailored towards h...

Indicator inventory for needs assessment

E-learnings, Podcasts, Videos

Global Indicator Registry

Jul 10, 2019

Mainstreaming GBV in assessments

Guidance and Reference Documents

Mainstream GBV in the collection, analysis and sharing of DTM data guidance - 2018

Jul 10, 2019

Guidance - Using DTM Multisectoral Location Assessment to inform GBV response

Jul 10, 2019

E-learnings, Podcasts, Videos

Guidelines for Integrating GBV Interventions in Humanitarian Action

Jul 10, 2019

The GBV Guidelines have been revised from the 2005 version by an inter-agency Task Team led by UNICE...

DTM Field Companion: Sectoral Questions for Location Assessment

Jul 10, 2019

Data Analysis Plan of Recommended Questions developed with Global Clusters, AoRs and other Experts f...

Analysis framework

Guidance and Reference Documents

Primary Data Collection Exercises that Generate Data that Can Inform GBV Devision-making

Jul 10, 2019

Guidance on Multisectoral Analytical Framework - UNICEF & ACAPS 2016

Jul 10, 2019

Technical Guidance Note on The Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies (GBViE) Analytical Framework - GBV AoR 2024

Mar 27, 2024

Mobile data collection resources

E-learnings, Podcasts, Videos

OCHA Kobo Toolbox

Jul 10, 2019

OCHA Kobo Toolbox

TdH Mobile Data Collection Toolkit

Jul 10, 2019

This webpage aims at sharing documentation produced jointly by Terre des hommes (Tdh) and CartONG&nb...

Assessment tools and methodology guidance

Tools and Templates

FGD Example Tool - Whole of Syria 2019

Jul 10, 2019

FGD on WFS Example Tool (New Beneficiaries) - Whole of Syria 2019

Jul 10, 2019

FGD on WFS Example Tool (Regular Beneficiaries) - Whole of Syria 2019

Jul 10, 2019

FGD on Youth Centers Example Tool - Whole of Syria 2019

Jul 10, 2019

See more Tools and Templates