Help Desk

    The Helpdesk offers expertise on a wide variety of GBViE issues. Technical support focuses on questions you may have about existing or prospective GBV response and service delivery linked to:
  • 1) coordination efforts in line with the GBV in Emergencies Coordination Handbook; and
  • 2) undertaking GBV-specialist prevention and response programming.
Thematic Areas

Bibliografía Comentada de Recursos sobre Violencia Basada en Género en Emergencias Disponibles en Español - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

Esta bibliografía comentada provee información sobre recursos técnicos globales sobre Violencia Basa...

Annotated Bibliography of Spanish language Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies Resources - GBV AoR Helpdesk

This annotated bibliography provides information on global gender-based violence in emergencies (GBV...

Ukraine Refugee Response: Recommendations to Mitigate GBV Risks - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

 This recommendations document is part of a series of knowledge products produced by the GBV AoR Hel...

Supporting Women and Girls Fleeing Ukraine: Guidance and Tips for Private Accommodation Hosts - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

This practical guidance for private accommodation hosts is part of a series of knowledge products pr...

Annotated Bibliography of French language Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies Resources- Helpdesk 2022

This annotated bibliography compiles French-language resources for gender-based violence in emergenc...

One Stop Centers – Models, Standard Operating Procedures (SoPs) And Guidance- GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

This query briefly examines the main OSC models before providing information about how they have bee...

Managed by Social Development Direct, the Helpdesk is staffed by a global roster of GBV experts ready to provide rapid, tailored support – including to GBV specialists, sector programmers, coordinators, and management. 


You can contact the GBV AoR Helpdesk by emailing to: and the Helpdesk will respond to you within 24 hours during weekdays. 

The GBV AoR Helpdesk is available 09.30- 17.30 GMT, Monday to Friday.