Understanding the Core Functions and Differences between Women and Girls Safe Spaces and One Stop Centers - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

Dec 19, 2022

This resource has been developed to assist gender-based violence (GBV) practitioners, MHPSS and health specialists as well as policy makers operating in humanitarian settings to understand the differences between women and girls’ safe spaces (WGSS) and one-stop centers (OSC). Drawing from key tools and guidance, it outlines the key characteristics of each type of service, their benefits, and some of the potential limitations of each service that need to be addressed as part of the design and implementation phases. This resource can be used as a reference tool when considering how to ensure comprehensive care for survivors in a given setting; it may also be useful for advocacy purposes to ensure that the scale up of one type of service (most often, one-stop centers) does not take precedence over or eclipse the other service. The priority is to ensure women and girls have access to safety and protection and a choice of where and when to seek support when they experience GBV. And so, a OSC should never be used as a replacement for a WGSS.