Tools & Resources for Thematic Areas

Thematic Areas
Type of Resource

Training materials

Girl Shine Designing Girl-Driven GBV Programs - IRC 2018

Jul 17, 2019

Girl Shine Caregiver Curriculum - IRC 2018

Jul 17, 2019

E-learnings, podcasts, videos

UNFPA E-Learning Course: How to Integrate Cash Assistance into GBV Case Management

Oct 04, 2023

Women for Change Women Led Organization Testimonial Video

Jul 13, 2023

Active in Development Aid Women Led Organization Testimonial Video

Jul 13, 2023

Following the launch of UNFPA's Guidance on How to Design and Set Up Cash Assistance in GBV Case Man...

Programmes D'argent Liquide et de VBG pour les Survivants dans le Colombie et dans la Syrie - WRC, CARE International

Sep 15, 2022

Since 2016, Women for Change (WFC) is a women-led organization (WLO) that has been undertaking work ...

Programas Integrales de Dinero y VBG para Sobrevivientes de VG en Colombia y Siria - WRC, CARE International

Sep 15, 2022

Active in Development Aid (ADA) is non-profit women-led organization (WLO) that works in Somalia and...

Integrated Cash and GBV Programming for GBV Survivors in Norte de Santander, Colombia and NW Syria - WRC and CARE International

Sep 15, 2022

De 2020 à 2022, la Commission des femmes pour les réfugiés et CARE, avec le partenaire de recherche ...

Webinar: How to create a Secondary Data Review - GBV AoR June 2022

Jun 21, 2022

  Jul 15, 2022 De 2020 a 2022, la Comisión de Mujeres Refugiadas y CARE, junto con su socio de inve...

Webinar Recording: Transcending Gender Norms: Using gender transformative approaches in WGSS

Jun 21, 2022

From 2020-2022, the Women’s Refugee Commission and CARE with research partner South African Medical ...

Webinar Recording: Promoting Standards of Care for GBV Survivors in One Stop Centers - GBV AoR 2022

Jun 08, 2022

  Conducting an SDR is one of the minimum deliverables of the GBV AoR in humanitarian contexts and ...

Is Cash Assistance for GBV Survivors Advancing Inclusion?

May 19, 2022

  In humanitarian settings, gender inequality, one of the root causes of Gender-based Violence, rem...

هل تعزز المساعدة النقدية المقدمة للناجيات من العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي الاندماج؟

May 19, 2022

On 31 May 2022, the Regional GBV Working Group for East and Southern Africa with experts from variou...

Revisiting the Jordan Case Study: How to Link GBV Case Management Services with Cash Assistance - 2022

Mar 21, 2022

We know cash assistance integrated into GBV case management can be lifesaving, but can it also be in...

How can we integrate GBV programming and cash-based interventions: Jordan Case Study - 2018

Mar 21, 2022

نحن ندرك أن المساعدة النقدية المضمنة في إدارة حالة العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي يمكن أن تنقذ الح...

Understanding the intersections between GBV, SEA and SHS

Mar 07, 2022

Cash assistance can be an asset when integrated into GBV case management programming, but there are ...

Recording: Women and Girls Choose: Cash Assistance in GBV Case Management Saves Lives - UNFPA 2022

Mar 02, 2022

In this episode we explored further the idea of integration GBV programming and cash-based intervent...

It’s not a choice: Connecting Cash and GBV

Feb 25, 2022

Move faster: Finding ways to support GBV Survivors with Cash Services

Feb 25, 2022

As part of a coordinated response to gender-based violence (GBV), UNFPA and its partners provide cas...

Move faster: Finding ways to Support GBV Survivors with Cash Services

Feb 25, 2022

Fe Kagahastian from CashCap’s Syria response and Reem Khamis from UNFPA talk about the importance of...

Designing Cash programming to reduce gender based violence: Part 2

Feb 25, 2022

ARABIC Podcast. Madj Sawan from Ihsan for Relief and Development Organization and Ola Batta from the...

Designing Cash to reduce Gender Based Violence

Feb 25, 2022

Madj Sawan from Ihsan for Relief and Development Organization and Ola Batta from the Shafak Organiza...

Designing Cash Programming to Reduce Gender Based Violence

Feb 25, 2022

Fatima Azzeh from CARE interviews Samar Karamo and Baraa Bobaki from IHSAN Relief and Development, w...

Harmonizing GBV Data Collection to Develop Regional Trends Recording - GBV AoR 2022

Feb 17, 2022

In our first ever Arabic podcast, Fatima Azzeh from CARE interviews Samar Karamo and Baraa Bobaki wi...

Designing Cash Programming to Reduce Gender-Based Violence (Arabic Part 2), CARE WRC 2021

Dec 22, 2021

In this English version recorded based on translations from the original Arabic podcasts, Fatima Azz...