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GBViE regional overview: Asia and the Pacific region (Feb 2022)
07 Jul, 2022
GBViE regional overview: Asia and the Pacific region (Feb 2022)
Responsible representation and reporting of violence against women and violence against children GUIDELINES FOR MEDIA PROFESSIONALS
28 Oct, 2021
These guidelines are intended to promote best practices for responsible, ethical and safe representation and reporting of violence against women (VAW) and violence against children (VAC) by media practitioners. While the causes, risk factors, prevalence, patterns and consequences of violence against women and violence against children may differ, many of the considerations for ethically, safely and effectively communicating these issues are crosscutting. Keywords- Media, communications, guidelines, representation, press
Learning Brief on Technology Facilitated Gender-Based Violence - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2021
08 Feb, 2023
The new GBV AoR Helpdesk learning series addresses the issue of Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence (TFGBV) affecting women and girls in humanitarian settings. The three-part resource looks at the different forms of online violence, suggests actions for GBV specialists and also policy recommendations for humanitarian organisations, donors and technology companies. The first report, Learning Brief 1: Understanding Technology- Facilitated Gender-Based Violence, builds on basic knowledge of TFGBV. It provides a definition and overview of the forms of TFGBV that are prevalent and how this abuse is manifested in emergency contexts. The second report, Learning Brief 2: Strategies and Actions for Preventing and Responding to Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence, gives an overview of promising strategies currently being used in different parts of the world to prevent and respond to TFGBV and highlights some key examples and resources. The third report, Lea...
Reporting on GBV in the Syria Crisis A Journalists Handbook - UNFPA 2014
16 Jul, 2019
Analysis of GBV in 2021 Humanitarian Needs Overviews and Response Plans (HNO & HRP) - GBV AoR 2021
04 Oct, 2021
Annotated Bibliography of French language Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies Resources- Helpdesk 2022
01 Apr, 2022
This annotated bibliography compiles French-language resources for gender-based violence in emergencies (GBViE) interventions. This document includes both global-level documents that have been translated from the language in which they were initially produced (primarily English) into French, as well as regional and country- level GBV resources produced in Francophone countries.1 This bibliography is intended to facilitate the access of Francophone GBV practitioners to guidance, knowledge, and tools in French that will support them to implement GBV prevention and response programs. This bibliography is also meant to support engagement with Francophone national and local organizations and to promote learning and resource-sharing with local women’s organizations and groups about GBV resources in French.
Bibliographie Annotée des Ressources en Français pour les Interventions en Matière de Violence Basée sur le Genre en Situations d’Urgence- Helpdesk 2022
01 Apr, 2022
Cette bibliographie annotée compile des ressources en français pour les interventions en matière de violence basée sur le genre (VBG) en situation d'urgence. Ce document comprend à la fois des documents de niveau global qui ont été traduits de la langue dans laquelle ils ont été initialement produits (principalement l'anglais) vers le français, ainsi que des ressources régionales et nationales sur la VBG produites dans des pays francophones.1 Cette bibliographie vise à faciliter l'accès des praticiens francophones de la VBG à des conseils, des connaissances et des outils en français qui les aideront à mettre en œuvre des programmes de prévention et de réponse à la VBG. Cette bibliographie vise également à appuyer l'engagement des organisations francophones nationales et locales et à promouvoir l'apprentissage et le partage de ressources avec les organisations et groupes locaux de femmes sur les ressources VBG en français. Les ressources de cette...
Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings - IASC 2007
16 Jul, 2019
Desk Review of Programing Guidelines for Adolescents & Youth in Emergencies - NRC 2017
17 Jul, 2019
Guidelines for International Protection - UNHCR 2006
17 Jul, 2019