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Analysis of GBV in 2021 Humanitarian Needs Overviews and Response Plans (HNO & HRP) - GBV AoR 2021
04 Oct, 2021
This analysis was conducted to evaluate how GBV needs have been analyzed and how the GBV response has been planned in 2021 HNOs and HRPs and how agreed-upon changes translated into better GBV representation and integration. Specifically, this process: 1) Evaluated the GBV sectoral needs analysis, including indicators and methodologies. 2) Assessed the level of GBV integration into other parts of HNO and HRP 2021 (intersectoral and other sectors’ parts). o Identified common challenges during the 2021 HNO & HRP processes. 3) Identified best practices and areas of improvement to inform the 2022 HPC cycle. 4) Reinforced country-level attention and investment in the upcoming HPC cycle. 5) Identified key messages for advocacy purposes to increase attention to GBV in global directions and policy documents determining how HNOs and HRPs are developed.
International Protocol on the Documentation and Investigation of Sexual Violence in Conflict - 2017
17 Jul, 2019
Gender-Based Violence and Disability Inclusion Fact Sheet - GBV AoR 2023
29 Nov, 2023
This fact sheet is for all actors working on gender-based violence (GBV) prevention, response and risk mitigation. It aims to provide an overview of the situation on GBV and disability and suggest key considerations for including persons with disabilities in GBV programming and coordination. You can find the GBV and Disability Inclusion video here.
Best Practice Guide: Protection Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse - IASC 2016
17 Jul, 2019
Piloting the IASC Disability Guidelines on GBV - WRC, May 2019
11 Jul, 2019
This report summarizes the main outcomes documented by pilot partners implementing inclusive approaches as set forth in the draft IASC Disability Guidelines (GBV section) to address the protection and empowerment of women and girls with disabilities.
Guidance Note: Exit Strategies in the Event of Premature and Permanent Gender Based Violence (GBV) Emergency Response Program Closure - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022
08 Aug, 2022
The aim of this short guidance note is to provide international GBV responders with practical guidance on developing exit strategies and contingency plans. This is to ensure they are prepared should a GBV emergency response program be forced to close permanently and prematurely with little notice. This paper intends to fill a knowledge gap and create a resource that can offer up ways forward which improve sustainability and advance the localization of GBV prevention and response.
Guidelines and Examples of Best Practice for GBViE Fundraising
27 Apr, 2021
This guidance focuses particularly on public-facing fundraising campaigns. It outlines guiding principles to ensure women and girls are centred in fundraising campaigning for GBV programming, and that fundraising efforts promote the dignity and safety of GBV survivors. It also provides specific recommendations on language and image use. This guidance is meant to be a reference for organisations to guide the development of fundraising standards, and can also be used to train staff responsible for developing campaigns, who may not have extensive experience with GBV. Additional resources are provided at the end of the guidance.
Responding to violence against women based on their diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions – an annotated bibliography of resources - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2021
13 May, 2021
Responding to violence against women based on their diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions – an annotated bibliography of resources All women and girls face oppression, discrimination and marginalization based on gender inequality, but not all women and girls experience oppression and inequality in a homogeneous way. Oppression may be compounded by their sexual orientation, gender expression and gender identity. Despite there being a broad understanding that women and girls with diverse SOGIEs are at heightened risk of violence due to multiple and intersecting factors, there is limited evidence and documented practice of responses to this violence. This learning brief assembles resources regarding response that originate from a wide pool of actors including UN agencies, INGOs, World Bank and other Non-humanitarian sources.
Core Function 6 Supporting Advocacy, Excerpt GBV Coordination Handbook - GBV AoR 2019
16 Jul, 2019