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Gender-Based Violence Area-of Responsibility (AoR) External Review - July 2023
28 May, 2024
This report provides an overview of the background, purpose and objectives, methodology, conclusions, findings and recommendations of the external review of the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Area of Responsibility (AoR). Commissioned by the UNFPA Humanitarian Response Division (HRD), the review aims to provide specific, relevant, and actionable findings and recommendations to UNFPA as the GBV AoR lead agency to improve efforts to facilitate GBV coordination in humanitarian settings.
GBV AoR Strategy 2021-25 - French Version
01 Apr, 2022
Le GBV AoR applique un point de vue féministe dans sa promotion de l’action collective visant à améliorer l’efficacité et la redevabilité de l’intervention humanitaire aux fins de la prévention et de l’atténuation de toutes les formes de violence basée sur le genre et la réponse à ces dernières, dans le but de s’assurer que le pouvoir d’agir et la capacité des survivant(e)s dans toutes leurs diversités sont reconnus et renforcés et que des efforts de prévention sont effectivement déployés pour traiter et transformer les inégalités de genre sous-jacentes.
Preventing and Responding to Gender-based Violence in Faith-based Communities: An Annotated Bibliography of Recommended Resources - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022
11 Jan, 2022
The annotated bibliography explores these and other approaches. However, only a small number of evaluated GBV programs are available. In addition, there is limited information available about how religious leaders and communities work with perpetrators of GBV, or about addressing GBV against marginalized women and girls, including violence against women and girls based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression (SOGIE). Moreover, while many resources take an interfaith perspective, specific examples or details often focus on Christianity and Islam. Less information was found on other religions. This bibliography does not include resources exploring the role of faith in perpetrating and perpetuating GBV, although some of the resources do address this as well as describing prevention and response.
Risks of Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence to Publicly Visible Women - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2023
23 Jan, 2023
This learning brief focuses on technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV) affecting publicly visible women in humanitarian and emergency contexts. The learning brief begins with an overview of TFGBV prevalence, then focuses on risk groups of publicly visible women and how TFGBV impacts them, including women parliamentarians and politicians, journalists, women human rights defenders and activists. It moves on to provide examples of good practice in working with these different groups of publicly visible women to prevent and respond to their particular risks of TFGBV. The learning brief concludes with recommendations to highlight key issues for consideration by GBV actors working with publicly visible women as part of wider GBV prevention and response programming in humanitarian settings.
Novel Corona Virus Other Considerations for Preventing and Responding to Gender-Based Violence, GBV AoR 2020
21 Dec, 2021
ان تفشي الأزمات والكوارث الطبيعية وتفشي الأمراض تؤثر على النساء والرجال بشكل مختلف، وتجعل أوجه عدم المساواة ضد النساء والفتيات والتمييز ضد الفئات المهمشة الأخرى مثل الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة و تجعل الوضع للذين يعيشون في فقر مدقع اكثر سوءا. وتثير هذه القضية قلقا كبيرا في الظروف الوبائية، ونتائجها المتعلقة في الكشف عن النساء والرجال وحصولهم على العلاج. كما أن هذه الأوبئة قد تؤدي إلى تهديدات تتجاوز خطر العدوى. كما تكشف المراجع المتعلقة بالأمراض المتفشية السابقة أن النساء والفتيات يواجهن أوجه ضعف اكثر خصوصية من ذويهم على سبيل المثال: في الصين خلال مرحلة حظر التجوال، تضاعف العنف المنزلي ثلاث مرات بحسب تقارير الشرطة.
استعلام بحثي: أهمية دعم الجهات المانحة لبرامج العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي في حالات الطوارئ حتى في حال غياب البيانات المتعلقة بمدى انتشاره
23 Jan, 2023
يهدف هذا الموجز التعليمي إلى أن يقوم مقام أداة للجهات المانحة ومعُدّات البرامج المتعلقة بالعنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي على حد سواء، بهدف دعم المناقشات حول ما نعرفه حاليًا عن نطاق العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي في الأوضاع الإنسانية؛ ولماذا لا يمثل جمع بيانات انتشار العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي أولوية في الأوضاع الإنسانية وكذلك مصادر البيانات التي يمكن للجهات المانحة والممارِسات الاعتماد عليها بأمان لإثراء عملية اتخاذ القرار بشأن برامج العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي.
Série d’apprentissage Sur la Violence Basée sur le Genre Facilitée par les Technologies
22 Mar, 2022
Les technologies numériques et les autres technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC) sont des outils potentiellement puissants pour favoriser l’autonomisation des femmes et l’égalité des sexes. Cependant, la technologie est en train de modifier également les expériences des violences que subissent les femmes et les filles. La violence basée sur le genre (VBG) facilitée par les technologies émerge rapidement comme une forme importante de VBG à l’échelle mondiale, inclus dans les situations marquées par des conflits, des catastrophes et autres urgences humanitaires. Il est très urgent de prendre action pour prévenir, atténuer les risques et répondre à la VBG facilitée par les technologies dans les contextes humanitaires. On sait pourtant peu de choses sur la VBG facilitée par les technologies ou sur les approches efficaces pour y faire face dans les situations d’urgence et de fragilité. Pour prévenir ce problème émergent et y répondre dans le cadre d...
Niger Gender-Based Violence Secondary Data Review (SDR) - Jan 2023
13 Feb, 2023
Gender-based violence (GBV) rates are extremely high in the country, and it is exacerbated by the current multifaced humanitarian crisis as well as by entrenched social norms that hinder the promotion of gender equality. Children are affected by specific protection problems such as: psychosocial distress, family separation, association with armed groups and forced recruitment, exposure to mines and other explosive devices, but also by structural protection problems that are exacerbated by gender-based violence (including child marriage and sexual exploitation), child labor and other forms of abuse.
Research Query: Learning Brief on Femicide in Emergencies - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022
31 Oct, 2022
This report provides a practical overview of femicide in fragile and emergency settings, and the implications for GBViE practitioners. This document articulates how femicide is defined and conceptualized, provides a concise overview of different forms of femicide, and offers practical programmatic recommendations in terms of GBV prevention and response and advocacy. This document comes in the wake of growing global awareness of femicide, due primarily to the ongoing efforts of feminist activists to render this form of violence more visible, protect women and girls at risk, support surviving family members of femicide victims, and hold perpetrators accountable. This paper is intended as a practical and non-exhaustive resource for GBViE actors; links to further reading can be found throughout.
Learning Brief on Femicide in Emergencies - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022
13 Dec, 2022
This report provides a practical overview of femicide in fragile and emergency settings, and the implications for GBViE practitioners. This document articulates how femicide is defined and conceptualized, provides a concise overview of different forms of femicide, and offers practical programmatic recommendations in terms of GBV prevention and response and advocacy. This document comes in the wake of growing global awareness of femicide, due primarily to the ongoing efforts of feminist activists to render this form of violence more visible, protect women and girls at risk, support surviving family members of femicide victims, and hold perpetrators accountable. This paper is intended as a practical and non-exhaustive resource for GBViE actors; links to further reading can be found throughout.