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Handbook for Coordinating GBV in Emergencies - GBV AoR 2019
16 Jul, 2019
The Inter-Agency Minimum Standards for Gender-based Violence in Emergencies Programming: Monitoring and Evaluation Framework 2023
11 Jul, 2023
The main GBV Minimum Standards document provides details on the 16 Standards, key actions that should be taken to achieve each standard, the minimum indicators needed to measure each standard, guidance notes with further information and tools and resources to support the fulfilment of each standard. This document acts as a complement to the main Minimum Standards guidance and explores potential avenues to monitor and evaluate the achievement of each standard. It is a compilation of current best practices and measurement tools that are available for humanitarian agencies and clusters to employ as they seek to rollout and measure their progress against each standard. Using the definitions and tools included in this document, actors and agencies implementing GBV-specialized programming1 will be able to consistently measure core and recommended indicators related to the standards.
GBV AOR 2010 SOP Workshop Fac Guide
04 Jul, 2019
The GBV Standard Operating Procedures Guide (SOP Guide) was published by the IASC1 Sub-Working Group on Gender and Humanitarian Action in 2008. The guide includes detailed guidance on the process of developing GBV SOPs in humanitarian emergency settings, and includes a template that can be used to develop local SOPs. The guide emphasizes the importance of a collaborative and participatory process for developing the procedures and agreements contained in a SOP document.
Responding To Adolescent & Children Who Have Been Sexually Abused - WHO 2017
17 Jul, 2019
Gender-Based Violence and Child Protection Field Cooperation Framework is Out!
06 Jan, 2022
Recognising the interconnected needs of child and adolescent survivors, it is evident that Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Child Protection actors have overlapping responsibilities in regard to response, mitigation, prevention and preparedness. Actors must cooperate to generate better knowledge, develop skills and expand resources. Both GBV and Child Protection minimum standards reiterate the need for intersectoral cooperation. Increasingly complex emergencies require the collaboration between different disciplines to understand and address new and growing needs affecting girls and boys.1 Changes in the humanitarian landscape means that GBV and Child Protection response, mitigation and prevention will be led and implemented by diversified, local actors. Local actors need support to take on leadership roles in leading and coordinating response. Local women and youth organisations are instrumental for the practical response to the needs of child and adolescent survivors. The role of GBV ...
Minimum Standards for Prevention and Response to GBV in Emergencies - UNFPA 2016
16 Jul, 2019
CHILD MARRIAGE IN HUMANITARIAN CRISES Girls and Parents Speak Out on Risk and Protective Factors, Decision-Making, and Solutions - UC Berkeley, Save the Children and Plan International 2021
05 Oct, 2021
In order to address these gaps, the Human Rights Center (HRC), Save the Children, and Plan International partnered on a long-term research initiative to strengthen child marriage prevention and response in humanitarian settings. This qualitative study, the second phase of the three-phase initiative, sought to better understand the risk and protective factors, decision-making processes, service and support needs of girls and their caregivers that contribute to vulnerability to child marriage, and community perspectives on solutions for addressing and responding to child marriage in humanitarian settings.
Tearing Down the Walls - UNHCR, June 2019
11 Jul, 2019
UNHCR's latest report called "Tearing Down The Walls: Confronting The Barriers To Internationally Displaced Women And Girls’ Participation In Humanitarian Settings" is published.
Intersection Between the Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Arrangments (MARA) and the Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS)- UN 2017
17 Jul, 2019
Establishing Gender-based Violence Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Multisectoral and Inter-Organisational Prevention and Response to Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Settings - IASC 2005
29 Jul, 2021