Submitted by gbv_admin on Mon, 12/11/2023 - 08:33

The humanitarian community has been united in its call for unfettered humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip so that civilians can be reached with lifesaving commodities and services. Importantly, and to support this call, the Flash Appeal for OPT has identified the specific and intersectional impacts that the current crisis is having on women and girls, and recalls the commitment of humanitarian actors to uphold the centrality of protection, by ensuring considered, resourced, coordinated action, decision making, and leadership across all thematic areas of humanitarian response promote meaningful protection outcomes for crisis affected and at risk communities. To support women and girls impacted by this crisis, all humanitarian leadership (including all UN agencies, the Cross/Crescent Movement, and Cluster leadership), is called upon to continue to champion inclusion and integration of GBV prevention, response, risk mitigation and associated commodities within their own priorities, including through specialists working within non-Protection Clusters, to aid in response in OPT. The GBV Sub-Cluster Palestine reiterates its call to Donors to fully fund the entirety of the humanitarian response across all sectors, particularly ensuring that the dignity of women and girls are central to our collective efforts.

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