Submitted by gbv_admin on Mon, 12/11/2023 - 08:28

The violence being experienced by civilians in the Gaza Strip extends beyond suffering that human beings can endure. Gazans have been deprived of the essentials of food, water, shelter, medicine, and safety. For women and girls, gender-based violence (GBV), including physical and sexual violence, is a daily threat, and the combination of threats they face represent distinct and targeted attacks on their rights, identity, and dignity. This loss of dignity is primary to their experience of this crisis. Nowhere in the Gaza Strip is safe. Nearly 80% 3 of the Gazan population is now displaced and living in severely overcrowded shelters that offer limited “refuge.” Civilians and humanitarian and medical staff and infrastructure are under siege; health facilities are not functional due to damage or lack of generator fuel. There is an urgent need for unhindered humanitarian access to meet even the most basics. In the absence of an immediate and respected ceasefire, the humanitarian system must remain united and vocal in its call for the protection of civilians and respect for International Humanitarian Law. As we make this call, we must prepare and be ready at the earliest opportunity to complement the extraordinary work of brave local and international colleagues who have continued to work without respite since the escalation of hostilities.

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