Submitted by gbv_admin on Sat, 10/21/2023 - 08:40

Consultations with ALL affected groups, particularly women and girls in all of their diversity, remains critical even in emergency response. Do not rely only on information received from male community leaders. This tip sheet provides basic information on undertaking safe consultations with women & girls in emergency contexts. There is likely to be a significant number of unaccompanied minors arriving in the shelters which will have different/diverse needs from adults and different from each other based on gender, age range, etc. 

  • Women-headed households are also likely to be large in number and will also likely have different needs, barriers, challenges, etc. than intact family structures, as will persons living with disabilities. Ensure all such groups are represented in consultations and program planning. 
  • Some suggested key areas of inquiry for consultations are included below. Sector-specific areas of inquiry are available in the IASC GBV Guidelines.
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