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Evidence Digest: Why Partnering with Local Women's Organizations for GBViE Programming is Crucial - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2023

Apr 17, 2023

This evidence digest provides a summary of the existing evidence for partnering with local women's organizations (LWOs) for GBV programming in humanitarian settings. It gathers and synthesizes the evidence related to LWOs as GBV service providers and considers how partnering with them links to effective use of resources and efforts, community buy-in and sustainability. This report presents examples of LWOs leading GBV advocacy efforts and participating in humanitarian coordination structures. It also looks at the perspective and experience of LWO members, and the effect of their roles on their own social status and empowerment. This report builds upon a 2019 GBV AoR Helpdesk evidence review of promising practices for partnerships that support LWOs in undertaking GBV prevention and response programming in emergencies