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Integrating Cash Assistance into GBV Case Management: Lebanon (2021)

Dec 16, 2021

As part of the humanitarian response in Lebanon, UNFPA Lebanon piloted the integration of cash assistance within GBV case management services. UNFPA implemented three different types of cash assistance: one-off emergency cash assistance, recurrent cash assistance, and cash for transport. These forms of cash assistance were integrated into comprehensive GBV services offered by UNFPA and its implementing partners, with a goal of improving protection outcomes for GBV survivors and mitigating individuals’ risk of GBV.

Based on the analysis of the first PDMs conducted, the introduction of cash in case management had a positive impact on intended protection outcomes. For example:

  • 75% of beneficiaries considered the cash assistance adequate to meet their immediate needs, such as covering the costs of safe accommodation, medical treatment, legal counseling, and transportation to access services or to a safer location.
  • 100% of beneficiaries did not experience any safety-related incidents while redeeming the assistance.
  • 85% of beneficiaries stated that the assistance significantly mitigated their immediate exposure to GBV incidents.
  • 82% of respondents highlighted that the assistance enabled and/or encouraged them to access case GBV response services, including case management.

Overall, the integration of cash assistance within GBV case management proved to have a positive impact both on mitigating further risk of GBV and on supporting the access to a comprehensive package of GBV services aimed at improving resilience and wellbeing of survivors and individuals at risk.