Help Desk
The Helpdesk offers expertise on a wide variety of GBViE issues.
Technical support focuses on questions you may have about existing or
prospective GBV response and service delivery linked to:
- 1) coordination efforts in line with the GBV in Emergencies Coordination Handbook; and
- 2) undertaking GBV-specialist prevention and response programming.
Bibliographie annotée sur l'engagement des garçons à devenir des alliés dans la prévention de la violence basée sur le genre - GBV AoR Helpdesk
L'engagement des garcons est un fomaine essentiel mais sous-explore de la prevention de la viol...
مراجع مف ّصلة حول إشراك الفتيان ليصبحوا حلفاء في الوقاية من العنف القائم على النوع االجتماعي - GBV AoR Helpdesk
يعتبر إشراك الفتيان )حتى سن الثامنة عشرة( في الوقاية من العنف القائم على النوع االجتماعي مزيد م...
Annotated Bibliography on Engaging Boys to Become Allies in GBV Prevention - GBV AoR Helpdesk
Engaging boys (up to age 18) is a critical yet under-explored area of GBV prevention in emergen...
Gender-Based Violence and Artificial Intelligence (AI): Opportunities and Risks for Women and Girls in Humanitarian Settings - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2023
This learning brief provides an initial introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its li...
Finding Ways and Means to Deliver Gender-based Violence Programming in Hostile Environments - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2023
This learning brief discusses a range of strategies and methods humanitarian actors can us...
Estrategias de Salida en Caso de Cierre Prematuro y Permanente de un Programa de Respuesta de Emergencia a la Violencia Basada en el Género - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2023
El objetivo de esta breve nota orientativa es proporcionar a las encargadas de responder a la V...
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