Help Desk

    The Helpdesk offers expertise on a wide variety of GBViE issues. Technical support focuses on questions you may have about existing or prospective GBV response and service delivery linked to:
  • 1) coordination efforts in line with the GBV in Emergencies Coordination Handbook; and
  • 2) undertaking GBV-specialist prevention and response programming.
Thematic Areas

여성 및 여아에게 안전한 공간 (WGSS)과 원스톱 센터(OSC)의 핵심 기능 및 차이 이해하기

본 자료는 젠더기반폭력Gender-Based Violence, GBV 실무자, 정신건강 및 심리·사회적 지원Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, ...

Gender-Based Violence Screening in Antenatal Healthcare Settings - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2020 (updated in 2023)

This report provides an overview of the evidence on GBV screening in antenatal healthcare settings a...

Improving Justice Systems for GBV Survivors through Survivor-Centered Processes - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2023

This learning brief summarizes promising practices in applying a survivor-centered approach to judic...

Managed by Social Development Direct, the Helpdesk is staffed by a global roster of GBV experts ready to provide rapid, tailored support – including to GBV specialists, sector programmers, coordinators, and management. 


You can contact the GBV AoR Helpdesk by emailing to: and the Helpdesk will respond to you within 24 hours during weekdays. 

The GBV AoR Helpdesk is available 09.30- 17.30 GMT, Monday to Friday.