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Help Desk

    The Helpdesk offers expertise on a wide variety of GBViE issues. Technical support focuses on questions you may have about existing or prospective GBV response and service delivery linked to:
  • 1) coordination efforts in line with the GBV in Emergencies Coordination Handbook; and
  • 2) undertaking GBV-specialist prevention and response programming.
Thematic Areas

التمويل اإلنساني للمنظمات والجمعات النسائية الوطنية / المحلية - GBV AoR Helpdesk

تعيش النساء في جميع أنحاء العالم تجارب مختلفة عن الرجال، في ظل معايير ترسخ عدم المساواة الجندري...

Financiación Humanitaria para Organizaciones y Grupos de Mujeres Nacionales/Locales - GBV AoR Helpdesk

Las mujeres de todo el mundo han vivido experiencias que son diferentes a las de los hombres, i...

Financements Humanitaires Destinés à des Organisations et Groupes de Femmes au Niveau National/Local - GBV AoR Helpdesk

Les femmes du monde entier vivent des expériences différentes de celles des hommes, façonnées p...

Bibliografía Comentada de Recursos sobre Violencia Basada en Género en Emergencias Disponibles en Español - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

Esta bibliografía comentada provee información sobre recursos técnicos globales sobre Violencia...

Annotated Bibliography of Spanish language Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies Resources - GBV AoR Helpdesk

This annotated bibliography provides information on global gender-based violence in e...

Ukraine Refugee Response: Recommendations to Mitigate GBV Risks - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

 This recommendations document is part of a series of knowledge products produced by the G...

Supporting Women and Girls Fleeing Ukraine: Guidance and Tips for Private Accommodation Hosts - GBV AoR Helpdesk 2022

This practical guidance for private accommodation hosts is part of a series of knowledge produc...